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Birch Quest and Dieta - 5, 9 or 15 days

A journey to connect, open up and receive the teachings of the Birch

  • 5 Days: 23-27th of July

  • 9 Days: 23-31st of July

  • 15 Days: 23th of July - 6th of August

Join us for a deep dive into nature for this 5, 9 or 15-days Birch Quest or Dieta guided by the powerful Birch tree.

Enriching and conscious relationships with plants

Together we will venture into the Swedish wilderness on a to open ourselves up to receive the deep wisdom of nature - within and around us. 

We wish to support you of developing a conscious, intentional, rich, respectful, meaningful and spiritual relationship with the birch.

Relationship with the Birch Tree

Guided by the Birch tree, this quest / dieta is an opportunity for self discovery, a step deeper into plant medicine to channeling and share plant energy. 

Is all about to open ourselves up to receive, to channel and connect to nature.

Nature is already connected - it is one with source - as are we, even though we might have forgotten.

By going into meditation and solitude, while fasting, minimizing stimuli and being fully emerged in nature we open that connection again.

The Birch is a powerful gateway into connection, a Nordic master plant. It can lead you through shadows into light and offers deep insights and growth.

Plant Quest or Plant Dieta?

A Plant Quest is a practice that draws deep inspiration from a Plant Dieta. It is a format that keeps transforming and shifting with the plants that we quest. The focus of a quest is towards your personal connection to a plant to get support, healing and guidance from it for your own development.

The Dieta is a quest and more than that, as it is meant to be used to heal others. It is the Shipibo-path of becoming a shaman / healer. Therefore the process comes with more commitment while the focus is on gathering the healing energy of the plant.

If you will go into a relationship with a plant through a Quest - you’ll marry it in the Dieta!

5, 9 or 15 days?

We want to offer a possibility to dip your toes into the quest, before going for a full 15-days dip, as well as making it possible to reenter into the Quest or freshen up your Dieta whenever you feel the call of coming back.

Therefore we offer 3 different possibilities, starting the same day.

  • 5-days Birch Quest - Establish the Connection
    This is a chance to take your first steps into connecting deeper with nature and a specific a plant-energy.

    —> As a recurrent Quester / Dieter you might come to refresh your connection.

  • 9 days Birch Quest / Dieta - Deepening your connection
    This will support you in deepening the connection and starts your communication with nature and the Birch.

    —> The shortest Dieta we offer - a deep Quest into yourself

  • 15 days Birch Quest / Dieta - A Solid foundation
    This can be the start to work deeply with your connection. We will teach more about ceremonial and shamanic work which gives you a solid foundation for your Birch connection.

    —> A solid Dieta - and profund healing through the Quest


Dates and Prices

  • 5 Days: 23-27th of July - 4500kr

  • 9 Days: 23-31st of July - 7500kr

  • 15 Days: 23th of July - 6th of August - 11.500kr.

Our recommendation is to arrive the day before and leave the day after to give you more time to settle in - each ways.

* It is possible to pay in several rates.

* If you feel a strong call to join but money is a challenge - write us and let’s see what solution we can find together

* Your application starts with sending us a 20% deposit, which is fully refundable up until 4 weeks before the event - later only, if we can find another person to take your spot.

More details in our Terms and conditions


We will be out in a Swedish forest approx. 20 min. drive from Värnamo. It is completely out in the forest without electricity etc.


Drive with your own car, with other participants or come by train to Värnamo to be picked up by us


Do you feel the call? Write to us on and we will send you more information.

We hope to see you in the green nature!

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