A story of creation

A long, long time ago, right here where you are now, the sun once awakened the earth to consciousness. Shining light on her matter, seeing her in all her raw beauty and loving the great potential within she found herself, gathered her body and began to open her heart in the heat deep within.

Meanwhile, from the depths of space, the sacred waters of life started their long awaited journey. Carrying the seeds of life and the wisdom of transformation towards earth

As the Earth's fierce flow of glowing matter slowed over the eons, she built the great and deep bowls of the ocean - the womb for the waters to be held.

It was then as they came down through the thick and smoky airs, the pure waters from the stars brought the seeds of life. Moved by the sun, the moon and the winds, yet held by earth, they began the work of the great transformation - life began to exist and Earth became a mother.

As her children grew, they covered her surface and did their work to clean the air for their younger siblings, the animals, to come out of the water. A beautiful, interconnected and interwoven life began on Mother Earth - all to fulfill their greater and lesser tasks in the harmony of life.

Some of them awake during the day and unconscious in their dreams - some the opposite, but all a manifested dream of Grandfather Sun, born and formed by Grandmother Earth and alife through the Soul of Water - spirits with bodies in all forms to express and fulfill their purpose for Nature to exist.

The weaving of the planets into the fabric of life brought progress to more and more specialized beings. At one point some of them agreed to the yourney into greater awareness, to help mother Earth into the next phase of existance - and so the separation of the self begun - and human dropped out of the interconnected life into the exploration of the mind.

Many discoveries were made and many directions were explored in the infinite field of mind. But in all this, they had almost forgotten who they really were and what their purpose in creation was.

It was time to change direction again and out of the jungle stepped some powerful door openers, ready to transcend the mind into even greater awareness - for the other beings on earth to be heared again by human spirit - to call them back home - to remember origin and destiny.

And we followed

We went home and reconnected to our roots and felt again the fire and earth of creation, the water of life and cleared the air of our minds and the temples of our bodies for the new to come.


Join us and Cacao in creating a life-affirming ceremony around the fire and in the darkness of the sweat lodge. Let's give thanks to life through our prayers, through our songs and words, drums and sweat in an ancient ceremony. Let's call upon the Temple of Grace to remember the beautiful way of loving interaction with the world. Let's call upon our ancestors for guidance in the womb of the sweatlodge, lets offer mugwort and tobacco to unite the new and old worlds in harmony.

Bring your sorrows and lay them on the altar with your offerings to name and overcome your obstacles, to open up and receive what is needed. Help others with your presence and be held by the group for four rounds in the dark, with hot stones and steam, songs and prayers for a new life.




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